SmartLiveView® VMS - The Highest Level Of Security On The Planet
Reduce Costs With SmartLiveView®
SmartLiveView®is a real-time video analytics engine that utilizes advanced image processing algorithms to turn video into actionable intelligence. At the core of the product there is an advanced object tracking engine that continually tracks moving and stationary targets. The tracking engine features built-in robustness to environmental nuisance conditions such as changing illumination, moving foliage, rippling water, etc.
Security providers are under increasing pressure to reduce costs while providing a first-rate security service to all sectors. Utilizing our Deep Learning classification (AI) we minimize false alarms to industry-leading standards and offer significant cost benefits against our competition.
What Is SmartLiveView®?

SmartLiveView® is a generic name for a suite of analytics products that include:
- Presence: continually tracks moving and stationary targets and generates real-time alerts of object presence in multiple overlapping detection zones.
- Surveillance: Continuously tracks and classifies moving and stationary targets and has a full range of rule-based filters, including Enter, exit, appear, disappear, stopped objects, directional constraints, object count, loitering, object type, and object speed. Multiple filters are supported for any combination of overlapping detection areas; A full range of packages optimized for specific scenarios.
Compare SmartLiveView® VS Geovision VS Milestone
The Difference To The Amounts Of Alerts Is Enormous!
Using Geovision and Milestone, for example, a 24-camera system has a minimum of 14 alerts per minute. Using 100 monitoring sites for 12 hours will produce approximately 1 million alerts per 12 hours (14 alerts x 60 minutes x 12 hours x 100 sites), making it virtually impossible to catch every alert event. With USLVM’s – SmartLiveView® would reduce the number of alerts during the same period would be to only 64.Simply stated, with the SLV®’s software advanced Analytics and Algorithms, we have the ability to mask out anything outside the perimeter of the property; SLV® can determine what the size of a person or vehicle would be from each camera location and reduce the size from the camera to the property line. Therefore the system only alerts when an actual person or vehicle is present on the property while tracking the person or vehicle as it moves around the property. This option is only 1 of many features of the SmalLiveView® (SLV®) software platform from USLVM.
For The Ultimate In Live Video Surveillance Call USLVM today!
USLVM monitors fewer sites per monitoring station than other companies, ensuring your assets are in good hands.
For the ultimate in protection, USLVM has a monitoring redundancy program – as the Certified Monitoring Agent sees the event occurring, the Certified Monitoring Agent notifies the local authorities, in real-time, the agent begins directing the authorities to the exact location of the alleged perpetrator.
While this is occurring, a roving Certified Agent watches the other sites at the station. Again, no other company provides redundancy backup at each monitoring station.

US Live Video Monitoring has invested a lot of time developing our own dedicated Satellite VPN Network called Sat-Link®.
What does this mean to you? Other vendors use a cradle point or pep wave unit that uses cellular technology to connect when no usable internet is available. This system is not reliable. The connection rate is very unreliable, with most speeds performing at a quarter of a meg. Our dedicated network is locked in at 4 meg per second. That is an increase of 16 times that of the other vendors.
USLVM has had its finger on the pulse of CCTV Technology for 13 years.
USVLM is the ONLY video monitoring company in the US that is solely based in the US. Most centers use a technology called “Scrubbing” that sends your video to another vendor to eliminate false positives and then sends it back to the monitoring center. These scrubbing vendors (Like Calipsa) are all located in other countries like England, UK, and China. USLVM does not scrub video! Our false alerts never happen because we stop it at the source, at the NVR, and or the camera, on the edge.
Want The Best Security On The Planet? Call USLVM today!
US Live Video Monitoring Inc.
101 Carron Lane
Stockbridge, GA 30281
- (855) 363-7555
- Email: info@uslvm.com